Saturday, 26 January 2019

What's next?

I can't believe it, I'm actually posting again, this must be a record for a single month. So, as mentioned in the previous post, I have been working on my up-to-date show reel for 2019, encompassing the best of my work over the last 4 years. I have included this below and also created an alternative one for my Facebook page that used the “Campbell Animation” intro from the last post.

In terms of The Hashtag Show, I don’t have any further developments on the next animation and when we will be looking at that being released as I haven’t really been in communication with Mallorca recently.

We are, however, moving ever closer to the animation stage of the project I mentioned several times before in other posts and talks with the BBC are still under way. I have a Skype call with the rest of the team soon and we will be having a chat about the project as a whole.

The next post will probably be an update on what is happening with the project and possibly an update on the planning I was doing on a potential Hashtag animation.

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