Friday 31 May 2024

Exciting few months to come!

Hello all! Once again I've not updated the blog for a few months longer than I would have liked - time just seems to fly by when you're insanely busy... and I've been insanely busy! 

Occasionally some edited versions of the Celtic Park project have been requested, which I've only been too happy to work on.

Firstly I want to go back to what I had mentioned previously, Mallorca - of Ultrasonic and Public Domain fame - whom I'd collab'd with for many years, has unfortunately passed away since my last update. His funeral was absolutely packed with mourners and he had an unbelievable send off, filled with love and emotion. Going forward, I don't really know where we're at with The Hashtag animation and graphic design, I know Scott is continuing the podcast but that is all at this time.

A lovely tribute set up to Mall.

Before I start covering off some of the work I've done since last time, I should mention that I have a big project, currently in pre-production, that l'm very excited to get stuck into. I will update more info on here in due course. Pre-production development has been made on the main character design and a shot list including thumbnails. If you couldn't tell so far, this next project will be an ANIMATION Huzzah!!

I've only recently sent across some of the pre-production materials for review, so in the meantime I am planning to complete a couple of custom print orders over the weekend.

I also recently completed work for a local softball team called "The Glasgow Isotopes", creating a logo for their shirts and for social media presence. The name is an homage to the team from The Simpsons, so for this design I pretty much immediately wanted to incorporate "Blinky" from the season two episode "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish." The finished design and shirts can be seen below. Overall I was very pleased with how these turned out and look forward to owning one in the future when my contact is able to provide it.

Finally, I worked on a stylised map of my home village of Twechar, detailing streets that were demolished in the mid 00's during a regeneration project. I created this for myself but also knew this would be appreciated by the people of the village. Thus far the reaction has been very good, which is a big relief as the approval of these works is important to me.
Some framed prints of the Twechar map, A3 size, with the street names around the border.

Going forward, I will continue to work on the aforementioned project and I will post any updates that I can on here.