It has been a little while now since I have updated the blog, but I haven't been a total couch potato for the past two months, I have had some very exciting new opportunities recently.
First of all, I completed the work I was doing on a health and safety video for Touzie Tyke in Glasgow. This project involved animating two simple bird characters in a kitchen scene, which had been created in Adobe Illustrator. I worked exclusively on the animation in the scene, primarily using Adobe After Effects.
I also gained some invaluable experience collaborating with Glasgow company Smudge Digital, animating the main character in a low-budget Scottish documentary. The documentary itself was filmed in live-action, and a group of animators and I were contracted to create 30-40 second animated insets which broke the film up, giving extra appeal to the audience.
Now that the aforementioned project is in post-production, I have started to relax again and will be pursuing personal projects for a little while. I hope to have designed and digitised another pirate-style character to fit in with the others that I have designed in my last few posts.
Additionally, I may have some extra work coming my way from Smudge Digital. This time the work would guarantee pay, which is always a bonus. The upcoming project is, as far as I know, for an animation which will last around 10 seconds.
I will also, hopefully, be returning to Touzie Tyke to complete more work on additional health and safety bird videos in the near future.